1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm email
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the mublog.nl moderators.

  1. No discrimination, including (but not limited to) racism, sexism, homophobia or transphobia (including targeted misgendering or deadnaming, or promotion of so-called "conversion therapy")
  2. No explicit (NSFW) content without content warnings and/or sensitive media markers. Explicit content must not be used in user avatars or header images
  3. No harassment of other users on this or other instances
  4. No content illegal in the following countries: France, Germany
  5. No incitement of violence or promotion of violent ideologies -- that includes fascism
  6. No disinformation regarding public health issues or political/military campaigns
  7. No spam
  8. No impersonation of other individuals, public figures or organisations, unless clearly marked as a parody
  9. We prioritise the safety of marginalised people over the comfort of privileged people
  10. Final interpretation is up to the administration of mublog. We reserve the right to suspend your account at any time.